What’s a CSA?
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. You sign up at the beginning of the growing season, and receive a weekly array of fresh produce.
In this model you get a rich flavor of what’s happening on the farm. When the farm has an abundance of something, you receive an abundance in your share! The quantity and variety changes throughout the season, giving you the full spectrum of seasonal produce that we grow. This model supports our work and allows us to continue providing fresh, local, organic food.
You can choose share options and add-ons on the signup form.
Pickup Locations and Times
Cambridge Community Center, 5 Callender St. Wednesdays 4 to 7 PM
Jamaica Plain, Hope Central Church at 85 Seaverns Ave. Wednesdays 4 to 6:30 PM
Boston, the Non-Profit Center at 89 South St. Wednesdays from 4 to 6 PM
Spaulding Hospital Cambridge, 1575 Cambridge Street. Wednesdays 3-5 PM (pre-boxed)
Charlestown Spaulding, 300 1st Ave. Wednesdays 3-5 PM (pre-boxed)
At the farm in Hadley, 81 Rocky Hill Road. Saturdays from 9 AM to 1 PM
At the farm in Hadley, 81 Rocky Hill Road. Thursdays 2 to 6 PM