Summer Farm Shares!
2024 summer farm share signups are now open! Even though it's snowy outside and it was five degrees yesterday morning, we're dreaming of harvesting all those summer veggies for twenty weeks straight starting in mid June. As in past years we have small and large veggie shares, as well as optional fruit and egg add-ons. Our website has more info on all that.
2023 was a difficult year but we made it through, and 2024 is looking very promising! We were able to find some additional land to rent in Hadley which is not vulnerable to flooding (it's unlikely that the flooding will happen again this year but you never know). And after the experience of losing so much all at once, I'll be hedging bets and planting key crops in more than one location for sure. Additionally, having a few extra acres to work with will allow us to share more land with the Somali Farmers Collective, incorporate more cover cropping, and improve crop rotation generally. We've always rotated crop families every year, but rotating between completely different locations is much better than just rotating in blocks within the same field (it makes it more difficult for crop pests and diseases to travel). That's just one example of many exciting changes and improvements we've got in the works, more to come on that in future newsletters...
2024 will be Stone Soup Farm's 17th season growing organic veggies! We are a very small family farm and we care deeply about the soil we grow on, the people who work the land with us, our CSA members, and the wider community we live in. Thank you so much for supporting us over the years and making our farm possible. Your participation in our CSA program makes all our work possible and is so appreciated! We're really looking forward to growing more veggies for you this summer and many more to come.