Garlic Scapes
Towards the end of May each year, a magical transformation takes place in our garlic fields. The once-familiar terrestrial garlic plants undergo a remarkable change, becoming creatures of an arcane and marvelous variety. Amidst the spiky foliage, improbable looping tendrils emerge, bestowing a whimsical art nouveau touch upon the agrarian landscape. These captivating formations are none other than garlic scapes.
Scapes are the flower stalks of hard-neck garlic cultivars. They begin to emerge around a month after the plant pushes its way up through the mulch that has protected it from the harsh winter temperatures. It’s common to harvest he stalks diverting the plant's energy towards the development of the bulb, which will be ready for harvest in July, after the plant's foliage has died back.
Luckily for all the garlic lovers out there (ourselves included!), the scapes themselves are spicy and aromatic. They provide a revitalizing kick, ideal for awakening the senses after enduring a long winter and chilly spring. Uses for these curious looking buds abound. Try whipping them into butter, making a pesto, making a quick pickle, or throwing them into fried rice.